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Jose's comments

Thank you Jose, for your input just now. You want a Plant Only
showcase/contest, with the emphasis on the showcase concept, where everyone
is just sharing their aquascaping efforts.

Please read my post Engle, Take II, which should be the immediately
preceeding message to yours in order. In it, I discuss David Engle's
suggests that while we allow entries of ALL sorts of freshwater aquascapes,
we allow ENTRANTS to choose whether or not their images are subjected to
Judging in a "competition". In that way, those folks who wanted to just
share their tanks in a showcase could do so while others could compete for
whatever Awards we decide to offer.

Would that be O.K. with you? Could you feel comfortable with that

Also, I notice that you envision an Aquatic Garden Only event. Several
others have suggested that we leave things wide open, and accept all
freshwater aquascapes. However, through the use of Weighted Scoring, the
Judges would place much more emphasis on and award more points to Aquatic
Gardens, as opposed to, say for example, an aquarium full of plastic plants
and colored gravel. This would ensure that the only things _likely_ to win
would be tanks that we, as aquatic gardeners, would be proud to have in our
own homes.

Is that OK with you?

If we want to further the popularity of Planted Aquariums, allowing them the
be displayed side by side next to other types of aquascapes seems like a
pretty sneaky but effective way to do it.

James Purchase

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