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Re: Common Goals II

1. I like the idea recently proposed that we make this both a competition
and a showcase via a little box you can check to keep your tank out of the
contest.  Those that want to compete, can.  Those that don't will still have
a place to display their tanks.

2. I think that it is important we be inclusive, to a point.  I think that
we should allow any freshwater tank, but inform all entrants that primary
focus of this event is aquatic gardening/aquascaping, and let them make the
decision from there.  I want to see beginners encouraged to participate, and
see this as giving them a chance to improve their skills as aquarists.  I
want little Jimmy to be able to have his tank up there along with Karen's or
James' or Olga's, despite the fact that he has a few plastic plants.  I do,
however, want him to understand up front that he will get a low "plant
health" score, and have an opportunity, by comparing his tank with others,
to better understand the potential a freshwater aquascape has.  Today's
beginners are the next generation (no matter what their age) of George
Booths and Steve Pushaks.  Furthermore, should we assume that just because
an aquascape has plastic rocks or plants in it we have nothing to learn from

My vision of this contest/showcase is severalfold.

1. I would like aquarists to have a chance to become better educated in the
possibilities surrounding aquascaping and equipment management through a
showcase of tanks from around the world.
2. I would like aquarists to be able to have their tanks judged by an
independent third party, with an emphasis on education and fun rather than
all-out competition.
3. I would like us, the aquarists, to have a chance to promote what we think
is a wonderful hobby and an excellent method to better understand the world
we live in.
4. I would like us, the planted tank aquarists, to become more cohesive as a
community through the creation and execution of a common goal.
Unfortunately, I see things as moving in the opposite direction at the
moment, and this makes me sad.  I want this to be a fun experience for both
participant and planner.  I am committed to making that happen.

To James: Thank you for spending the time and emotional energy to do this.
While I haven't always agreed with what you have to say (it would be a
boring world if everyone agreed), your dedication and commitment is

Justin Collins, who apologizes for the long post and hopes he managed to
keep it on topic.

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