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Regarding AGA...

Please folks.... I KNOW that several of you have questions surrounding the
health of the AGA, but I have aready suggested that this issue is NOT really
appropriate here.

(I can hear some of you saying, "Well, if not here, WHERE?" or "Why not
HERE? If we are expending energy and time in planning something for the AGA,
shouldn't we be assured that there IS an AGA?" )

I know that there ARE valid concerns, and I'm sure that this will all give
Karen food for thought once she returns..., and I hope that she might
address some of those concerns publicly.... but for now, please let us stay
focused on the organization of this event, and not descend into the pit of
despair. A wise man once said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,
and in this case I think that MOST of us have an incomplete or possibly
inaccurate image of just exactly WHAT the AGA is.

>From what I know, the AGA is a VOLUNTEER organization, of hobbyists, for
hobbyists. It has a worldwide membership of approximately 600 people, and if
you check the AGA website you can see that the "active" members, those with
specific duties, number about a dozen. Most of them have jobs, careers,
families, other obligations and lives separate and apart from their
membership in a hobbyist organization.

As far as I know, Neil Frank has been the Editor of TAG for quite an
extended period of time. I KNOW that he has a horrific problem obtaining
fresh, original, interesting material for inclusion in the Journal. How do I
know this? Because quite some time ago he told me so, and he asked me if I
would consider writing something for inclusion in TAG. Shortly thereafter, I
became quite ill and couldn't spend any energy doing more than focus on
getting well for an extended period of time. Given the time lag since the
last issue of TAG, I'm sure that the situation has not improved.

No volunteer organization which lacks a PAID staff of management at the top
of the pyramid, is going to be as quick to react and as timely as some
people would wish. By their very nature, volunteer organizations are "spare
time activities" and in this fast paced world, some people have very little
of that.

For my part, while I do have a career and other interests, due to the health
situation I mentioned earlier I am currently on long term disability from my
job at Revenue Canada. I have lots of time on my hands and am regaining my
former energy level more and more every day. I am VERY interested in this
hobby, I have been involved with it since I was a teenager and it has taught
me a lot. I would like to begin to repay some of that debt and I can't think
of a better way of doing so than starting something which will allow
hobbyists from all parts of the world to reach out to one another, share
their interest in the hobby, perhaps make a few friends along the way.

I have also been involved in many different volunteer organizations during
my time, and I know the difficulties which can surround and confound them.
Nothing gets done unless SOMEONE steps forward and offers to help. This
event is one way of doing that. As has been mentioned several times, this
might be just the ticket to kick start interest in and re-invigorate the
MEMBERSHIP of the AGA and get the organization moving forward once again. It
has laudable aims and goals, but unless hobbyists, members and non members
alike, come together and work together, both the AGA and this potential
event will disappear into a poof of smoke.

I am asking, for what may be the last time, to let the issue of the AGA rest
for now.

Thank you,

James Purchase

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