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George's tantrum

At 04:27 PM 7/19/99 -0600, George wrote:

>On the other hand, consider Steve Pushack's tanks. I consider his tanks as 
>the epitome of what the AGA stands for - "Growing Plants Underwater". Not
>consideration given to aesthetics. I've heard of many senior members of the 
>that are as proud of their <aquatic plant> growing in a gallon jar on the 
>sill as they are of an Olga-George style tank. Maybe more so.  

I know you wrote this for effect.  And you got it. <grrr>  George, PLEASE
stop coloring all your comments about AGA with your dislike of Steve.
There is room for BOTH types of aquatic gardener in the AGA.  I think you
already know that I, as well as Olga and Erik fall much closer to your
school of aquatic _gardening_ than Steve's.  We are _NOT_ called "The
Aquatic Plant Growers"... and there is a reason for that.  There may be an
emphasis on the mechanics of growing plants, because that's still where the
need is for most aquarists. (believe me, I speak to too many groups not to
know this)  Unfortunately, _most_ people are still struggling with the "how
to's" before they can even think about the art of gardening.

I hate it when I spend most of the afternoon agreeing with what you've
said, and then get ticked off at you. <g>

>>To quote from the AGA website, the organization's stated Purpose is:
>> - to disseminate information about aquatic plants.
>> - to study and improve upon techniques for culturing aquatic and bog plants 
>>   in aquariums and ponds.
>> - to increase interest in aquatic gardening.
>> - to promote fellowship among its members.
>I'm having trouble spotting the "aquascaping" part there. I can't find much 
>mention of creating appealing and artistic aquariums. All I see is "aquatic 
>farming and having a good time".  

You have a good point here, and if I weren't so irritated at the moment,
it's something that I'd probably bring up to the MC, though it has no place
in this discussion.

>This is one reason I think the AGA MC 
>Control?) is unsuited to sponsor this contest/showcase. Let them sponsor a 
>competition for the "Best Fertilizer Recipe" or the "Best Lighting for Under 

"MC" is management committee, and if you wanted to bother being part of the
solution rather than part of the problem, I'm sure you'd be on it.

>Oh, sorry, I forgot, the issue of AGA involvement is CLOSED!!!!! When did we 
>vote on that? 

George, you just finished whining about all the money and effort you put
into your video round robin.  Are you proposing that _YOU_ would like to
finance and run this project?  Are _you_ going to put it on your hrd drive
and purchase the CD's?  I think James stated more than once that HE wanted
to run this as an AGA project.  If _you_ want to organize your own party,
feel free.  This is James' party.  He gets the final say until (unless) it
is officially submitted to AGA.

Now that you _have_ made me feel like "Mom", and that I've had to slap the
hand of a petulant toddler:

>If I remember right, this whole idea started with a discussion of "What is
>North American style of Aquascaping?" Shouldn't we stick more with that than 
>"how well does your garden grow"?  Lean a bit more towards "Whoa! Cool tank, 
>Dude!" than "H. polysperma grows 4.7 cm per week without CO2".  

I agree completely.

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