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Re: Olga's comments

george wrote:
>Olga and I both have the same style of >tanks so I think we agree on
what *we* >think a planted tank should look like.

I think the majority of the people here have this style in
mind.Personally, I like _all_ fish tanks,rock tanks,plant tanks,but I
think that the place where this originated (the apd) the masses there,
also have Olga George tanks as there goal.....but it is impossible to
think that we could cater  to _everyone's_ taste!

george also wrote:
>On the other hand, consider Steve >Pushack's tanks. I consider his
tanks as >being the epitome of what the AGA >stands for  "Growing Plants
Underwater". >Not much consideration given to >aesthetics. 

Clear proof that beauty is in the eye of the beholder......is there a
category for this one???
james STATED! >Just because I put the Name issue to a >vote, don't
expect a vote to be held on >every issue.... the majority here are not
>AGA members and if the concencus is >something that I feel violates AGA
>principles I may unilaterally over-rule it... >just so you know...

over-rule???? gimme a break!!

james then went on to repeat himself:

>I've already covered, and CLOSED, the >issue of AGA involvement in
this. I >realize that only a small minority of >people here may actually
be AGA that >there MIGHT be some point beyond >which the AGA MC is not
willing to >stretch their probably limited resources. 

James then went for a walk!

there has been so much email here that it is near enuf impossible to
absorb all of the info,and have a life as well.

James have you thought that your not getting to to much info and
response from from the majority of the members of this list,because they
have been intimidated by your statements? I know you have intimidated
me,what with  one of your very early responses to a fellow from
calif.,then your blasting of dave gomberg,then your flipent "good-bye
Rodger" comment. When I joined this list,I did not realise that I was
possibly going to be smacked on the hand by the teacher,I've had very
little to say for this very reason!

Taking his bat and ball to another team,where he might get the chance to
play! "good-bye" james

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