Yes, Olga, you not only get points for remaining on topic, but EXTRA points for making some very good suggestions <g>. If you don't mind, I intend to cut and paste your suggestions for Judging Guidelines into the appropriate page on the web-site, alongside those made earlier by Justin. That way, they won't get lost in the huffle of incoming messages. I agree that Condition might be tricky to judge in all cases but it should probably be taken into consideration. The issue of the "animals" is going to be contentious - but we do aquascape for our fish's sake as well as our own, don't we? Is the aquascape appropriate for the fish in the tank? (I'm thinking here of Discus paired with branchy driftwood, or perhaps Angelfish with grassy plants like Vals and Swordplants.) An "Amano" style tank containing a full grown Oscar might seem a bit of an odd (and unlikely) combination. Surely we could come up with some "use common sense" guideline for this. This is probably a strong point in favour of having aquarists as Judges - they would know what makes sense and what doesn't. On the Privacy issue, don't you think that we should make the effort to forward an official "Thank You" and include any Judges Comments privately to EVERYONE who makes the effort to send in a submission? Rather than JUST the winners? If a database or even WordPerfect or MS Word is set up correctly, it isn't much of an effort to type up a "standard acknowledgement" letter and then a merge file of names and addresses and then cut and paste the appropriate comments into each individual letter. I think that it would make the whole process much more "personal" for the entrants, and give the contest "points" in their minds for our consideration of their efforts. It would increase both the "work" and the cost (for ink/paper/postage), but I think the benefits in "Good Will" would more than repay us. I like your suggestion about publishing the comments and/or point score on the winning entries and/or any outstanding submissions on both the web-site and in TAG. James Purchase Toronto ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, e-mail with "unsubscribe aga-contest" in the body of the message. To subscribe to the digest version, add "subscribe aga-contest-digest" in the same message. Old messages are available at