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Judging Guidelines....

I've just been reading over the suggestions which were posted regarding
Judging Guidelines, and specifically those which I posted to the website
FOLLOWING the material which Justin Collins had sent me from Amano.

Most of what I see tends to concern itself with "points" and how many points
each different quality should have.

We are NOT judging turnips at a county fair.

Both my own discussion of Craft and Roger's on Art seemed to make some
people nervous, but in my opinion, THESE are the issues we should be
addressing here, at least initially. Moving immediately to how the scoring
is "weighted" seems to me to be premature. How can you say how MUCH emphasis
to place on something until you have decided upon WHAT criteria you are
going to consider?

I know that several of you have been involved in aquarium shows before, and
some of you have shown horses or other perhaps dogs or cats. But, referring
here back to "core values", this event is about Aquascaping. It isn't a fish
show. Do you really think it appropriate to "rate" an aquascape (I hesitate
to use the term "work of art") using the same procedures as you would a
turnip or a dahlia or a rabbit?

Please read the material from Amano which Justin forwarded for our
consideration. It might help us break with old molds and discover new paths
more approriate to current conditions.

James Purchase

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