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Sorry if I'm going "arty" again on you Olga..... I'll try to restrain
myself.... <g>

But please stop knocking Zen.... at least _try_ to be open minded about
_other_ approaches. We are here to plan an International event which just
_might_ attract a few "Amano" style tanks. Our judging guidelines should be
flexible enough to allow for the fair evaluation of things like "concept"
and "execution" in addition to the more concrete items which have been

My comments about cats and turnips is really more directed to the issue that
the cat owner is really not responsibe for the genes which makes the cat a
sealpoint Siamese or a long hair Angora. That's in God's hands (or Buddah's
<g>). But the aquarist is responsible about which plants/decorative
materials he or she chooses, their placement in the aquarium and the
over-all effect achieved. ("Concept", "Execution"). Sorry if this is too
"arty"..... <g>

I DO like the criteria which you listed. I just don't like adding the point
issue RIGHT NOW. We shall get there, but not yet. Let's settle on CRITERIA
first, then we can worry about which of those criteria are more or less
important in the scheme of things later. That's ALL I'm saying about the
"points" issue.

B.T.W., Amano is VERY into color (colour) ("hue" for the technically correct
folks). In his latest book, Aquarium Plant Paradise, he makes extensive
comments about including red plants in an aquascape for punch. But an
aquascape can be quite successeful without it - it is something which has to
be considered in conjunction with "concept". We can't penalize an aquascape
which lacks it, unless that lack detracts from the overall effect.

James Purchase
(not suffering from a  hangover....)

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