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Re: Where are we now

In 45 years of fish keeping, I have never had a concept/theme in mind when
planting a tank.  All tanks were planted with live plants except one 5 gal
that was in a killie class at a show.  I planted with what i could get and
moved them around until I had a pleasing arrangement.

 In the years when I was just getting into fish all the places that sold
tropical fish had all their tanks with gravel _and_ live plants. The olny
concept was a balanced aquarium, where the live plants are balanced with the
fish. Not too many plants were available then, some stem plants, vals., an
amazon sword, some different size sag., and maybe if you were lucky, a
crypt. You made do with what you could get. Not much room for a concept
except a *planted tank*. Not much information was available. If you were
lucky you might find somebody with a copy of Innes.  In some respects a much
simpler time.
Fish and plants were bought from hobbyist out of their basements.

Ron Dubbs
Brighton, Tn

member: AGA since 91

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