James asked: 1. Do we leave the Criteria stand alone, by themselves (just the words), or do we attach brief, descriptive sentences or a paragraph to each of them, to make certain that the Judges know what we wish considered under each Criteria? Ken replies: I think we should provide as much detail as possible regarding what we mean by such things as color, balance, use of space, use of materials, etc. That is not to say that we setup the criteria in such a way that WE determine the final out come of the Showcase/Contest. However, we should provide enough information to let the judges know what we are talking about. Depending on who the judges are, there will probably be some that will need no explanation, but others who won't have a clue as to what "viability" means. Besides that, we should have some clear-cut definitions so the judging will be as consistent as possible in subsequent years. James asked: 2. We have discussed at length the pretty wide spread hope that the Judges will provide some feedback on the entries which they review..... Does anyone have any concerns that this might backfire on us if the comments are negative and/or someone takes them the wrong way? Ken replies: I would like to see a block on the entry form giving us permission to use the photographs and to publish the judges' comments. After the judging is completed and the results tabulated, we would only publish the judges' comments about the winners (maybe the top three in each category). I would think that most of the winners would have very few "negative" comments about them. By doing this, we can keep the published negative comments to a minimum while still providing an opportunity for the "viewers" to learn why the judges thought certain entries were the best. Ken Guin Arlington, VA ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, e-mail majordomo@aquatic-gardeners.org with "unsubscribe aga-contest" in the body of the message. To subscribe to the digest version, add "subscribe aga-contest-digest" in the same message. Old messages are available at http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-contest