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RE: Mock Judging results

Erik wrote:I was talking to my wife about this one, and she said something
sensible: "Did at least one of the judges disqualify it?"  If only one
does, there we go.  End of story.  Seriously, I don't think we need to
make this "pre-screening" thing a big issue.  Just let the judges know
that's one of the rules.

Ken writes: I agree with Erik that "pre-screening" or fake entries should
not be a big problem. However I still think it is important that an entry
NOT be eliminated just on the basis that one or more judges or even
"pre-screeners" THINK_ the entry is fake. A simple phone call to the entrant
asking some simple questions would clear the matter up. Maybe I am overly
sensitive to this subject because of past experiences with photography
contest. Several times, judges have called me to discuss the possibility of
some of my entries being faked. After a short discussion with the people who
called me, I was able to convince them that my photographs were, in deed, of
landscapes and not of paintings. Even if it does come up, authentication is
not going to be a problem. However, I personally believe that some type of
follow-up should be done if ANYONE suspects something unusual.

Ken Guin
Arlington, VA

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