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"Kinder, Gentler, but not necessarily Simpler"

Here is my "kinder, gentler" version of the Contest. I don't make any claims
for it being "simpler" - I like things being comprehensive. Square brackets
[] are side comments I make to you for clarification, not part of the points
themselves. Please note that I draw a distinct line between the use of the
words "may" and "shall" and "will". "May" means that the matter is
discretionary, depending upon the situation. "Shall" or "will" means that
this is a requirement.

I am not very good at "flying by the seat of my pants", and I won't go into
this event without a clear and generally agreed to blueprint which considers
as many points as possible. As others have stated, glitches are to be
expected and our "principles" must be flexible enough to take these things
into consideration. Hopefully, the following does both. While I want a
concencus, I'm not trying to please everybody and don't expect to. But I do
expect and want discussion and feedback on this and I am willing to make
additions, deletions, adjustments based upon what you have to say.

Note as well that Entry Guidelines and Judging Guidelines are only briefly
touched here - this list is meant as an overall framework only. Entry
Guidelines and Judging Guidelines will be covered separately.


1. Unless specifically requested [via a check box on the entry Form], all
submitted and accepted entries may be placed in the contest portion of the

2. Entries may be sorted for judging into categories of like aquascapes,
depending upon numbers of entries received.

3. The contest will be judged by a panel of judges selected by the
organizing committee.

4. The judges may be provided with CD-ROM's containing all of the images and
supporting documentation covering each entry. Entries shall be identified on
these CD-ROM's by ID number only. [to prevent the judges from knowing the
identify of the entrant]

5. A private mailing list [Majordomo list] may be set up for the exclusive
use of the judges, to communicate with one another during the judging phase
of the contest. This list shall be restricted to the judges and one or more
representatives of the organizing committee and/or the AGA, who will attempt
to answer any questions the judges may have during their deliberations.

6. The judging criteria for the contest are as follows:

   [35%] Overall Impression
   [30%] Composition, Balance, Use of Space, Use of Color
   [20%] Selection & Use of Materials
   [15%] Viability of the Aquascape

7. The judges shall be provided with judging guidelines which explain in
general terms, the qualities each of these criteria cover, and how to score
each entry to ensure that the results from each judge can be compared fairly
with results from the other judges.

8. Judges may be requested to provide feedback on the qualities of each
entry in the contest. These comments may be placed on the web-site and on
the final CD-ROM's, associated with the appropriate entries.

9. Within each category, the judges' individual ranking for each entry
(based on the total scores awarded to each) will be used to determine the
overall ranking of entries within the category. [this is my reading of
Karen's methodology outlined in message00537]

10. Based upon the number and quality of entries within each category, the
judges may award 1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards, and/or a variable number of
Honourable Mention awards. The actual number and nature of the awards
presented within any category is at the discretion of the judges.

11. The judges may also be requested to select an entry worthy of receiving
a Best of Show award.

12. The decisions of the judges are final.

13. The web-site may have a facility allowing the general public to submit
their choice for a People's Choice award.

A "Baker's Dozen" for discussion and consideration...

James Purchase

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