Ken recently wrote: "Personally, I think cropping should be allowed, but I don't think it should be mentioned. I agree that we should not mention the word "fake". Also, at one time, we discussed the possibility of some type of certification that the entry was owned and cared for by the entrant or the entrant had permission from the owner. Are we still considering that possibility? If so, we could also include a certification that the photo was a "true" representation of their aquascape that had not been adjusted in any way other than .........." First of all, having earned my living as a professional photographer in both Los Angeles and Toronto for a number of years, I don't think that _anybody_ could possibly object to cropping of an image to focus attention on something. This is (should be) perfectly acceptable. I don't think that we need worry about this. I (finally) agree that using the word "fake" or "manipulated" need not be used (see my next post...). I don't see any need to require people to prove that they have the right to submit images or that they are "true representations". In the first case - if they enter someone else's images and that person gets upset, we just pass the erring entrant's name and address to the ticked off person and let them sort it out themselves. In the second case, you risk pissing off Karen! (and I'm not going there......) James P. ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, e-mail with "unsubscribe aga-contest" in the body of the message. To subscribe to the digest version, add "subscribe aga-contest-digest" in the same message. Old messages are available at