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Re: Categories

Yikes!  I have been gone for a little while and things are just
zipping along!

My opinion on categories:

The proposed divisions are great!  I 100% like them.
1. Underwater Gardens
2. Natural / Biotope Aquascapes
3. Artificial Aquascapes
4. Paludariums

As for the subdivisions for size in the divisions, 

The real question with categories is whether the categories are being
chosen to even out the number of entrees or are they being divided
along physical characteristics (aquascaping property divisions).  

Jose proposed:
Mini: less than 10 gallon (35 liter) 
Small: 10-49 g. (35-199 l) 
Medium: 50-99 g. (200-399 l)
Large: 100+ g. (400+ l)

The only problem I have with this, is that I think the 10 Gallon
aquariums should be in with the mini tanks.  This would be the
category breakdown I would go with.

Eric suggested:
10 & under (micro), 11-40 (small), 41+ (large).

The problem with this is that it lumps a 55 Gallon aquarium in with a
160 Gallon aquarium.  They are so different, that I can't see how they
could be in the same category.  This division does have the benefit of
evening out the number of entries per category.  This has a nice
effect on the organization of the event, figuring out costs (only
three categories), and basically just simplifies things.  I have to
say that I don't like it though, just because I believe the emphasise
should be on the aquascaping and not making organization easier.

If we must have three categories how about
Small: 20 gallon and under
Medium: 20 gallon to 75 Gallon
Large: 75 gallon and up

Just my two cents after being gone for two weeks,
Jennifer Glover
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