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[no subject]

Sorry for the silence during the past week - family obligations have kept me
too busy to be able to spend much time on the computer. I don't expect to be
able to turn my full attention back to this until the end of the month.

But two things have been running thru the back of my mind - apparently there
is a "list" of contacts that Jim Capelle has access to which might be
helpful to me in contacting potenital prize donors. I still have yet to see
this list - Jim, if you are still here, please send me a copy in Microsoft
Excel (Office 95 version, not 97!) format.

Also on the subject of "prizes" - everyone was anxious to tell me that they
want real prizes - some of you got downright rude about my even suggesting
that we do away with them. Hopefully, most of the companies we contact will
agree to provide either gift certificates and or we can make some
arrangements for any prizes to be shipped directly to the winners. But this
cannot be guaranteed. If anyone is willing and or able to take on the task
of handling any prizes that these sorts of arrangements cannot be made for
(like receiving them, storing them and then mailing them out), please step
forward - don't wait for Spring - do it NOW, please.


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