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Re: Budget figures from left field


Okay, points taken, not going to argue about the cost of anything anymore
since we've mostly decided that we can't control them (the shipping costs).
Wrap it, cut it, print it, let's see what they say.  I consider this phase
to be complete.  There is nothing left to argue about (decide on, debate
about, whatever you want to call it).  Just so we're straight on this, and I
think we are as I'm not offended here, I wanted to tell you what I thought
someone who has not seen all of this discussion might think about some of
the figures you presented.  The shipping cost is a slippery figure and I
trust it will be treated that way with all the necessary explanations.
Okay?  I look forward to the final draft of the proposal.

And, for the record, I was most certainly not trying to undercut Erik.  I
just did not understand how he arrived at his figure.  I asked about it
before and no one answered.  Maybe you all assumed that I knew and thought I
was just being difficult, I don't know.


Dave VanderWall
Minneapolis, MN

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