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Re: Status - web-site

Erik wrote:

>I look at it this way: I am primarily creating the mechanics of the web
>site, the programs and databases that make it run. In addition to this we
>will also have the content (background info, entry forms, etc... the
>things James mentioned) and the layout and STYLE of the site (and if
>someone who's had actual experience in this arena would like to help,
>let's talk!).

Given half a chance, I'll talk 'yer ear off.... but I think everyone knows
by now how long winded I can be.... <g>

This is actually how I figured it would work - you would design and
implement the framework while the content comes from others. I have no
problem with this at all.

I have done some web-design and I'm aware of cross platform considerations
but if we have any experienced web designers in the group I'd love to have
them step forward.

The "content" I feel pretty secure in doing for the most part myself. At
least for the "rules and regs" stuff. It might be nice to have a Intro
written by Bob Cashin or Karen (especially Karen, as she is so well known
within the hobby and has such a nice writing style).

>> If we put reference material on the CD-ROM, together with the pictures,
>> might make it a lot more valuable and "saleable". What do people think
>> this?

>This gets sticky for me.  Would not the author then deserve part of this

You are right on this - something I hadn't considered. But I still think
that we should try to make the CD-ROM a REFERENCE source for aquascaping to
compliment the images which we will be displaying in the Showcase.

Maybe it WOULD be best if any reference material included on the CD-ROM be
written specifically for it. On the web-site, links to external sources
should be fine. The ones I am thinking about (variously from Dupla, Tropica,
Vectrapoint and Amano) should be useable if we first request premission from
the copyright owners.

As this will be am AGA ventture, the back issues of TAG should be a gold
mine of possible material. The AGA owns the copyright to all of that
material, do they not?

>How about this as a possibility: Someone writes up a good "summary"
>article for each area (aquascaping, photography, scanning) that uses the
>best information from all the sources we've gathered, and we just include
>the links at the end as a series of references? Would seem to be the best
>of both worlds, the only downside being that someone has to write!

Again, the archives of TAG might come to the rescue - especially the current
issue. Steve Pushak has an excellent article on aquascaping and Roger
Miller's article on Scanning is top notch as well.


Additionally, keep in mind that when I say the web-site should be ready to
go on the date we announce this I mainly mean the "rules and regs" stuff. We
are going to be referring people to the web-site to get information on how
to enter. Our initial market is going to be experienced aquascapers - so the
reference material will gain importance later, as a way to attract newbies
into aquascaping and teaching better techniques to everyone.

(actually, this could be a WHOLE other project.....) mmmmmm.........

But, back to reality..........

Now, it is VITALLY important that others here feel the need to provide input
(and content) for this..... this can't now become a two man show..... so
belly up to the bar everyone....


James Purchase

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