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Re: Status

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> B. Proceed, where we can, with our planning....

> 2. Web-site prep - I know that Erik will be doing the majority of work on
> this and we have to accomodate his schedule but there are things the rest of
> us can do to help.

I look at it this way: I am primarily creating the mechanics of the web
site, the programs and databases that make it run. In addition to this we
will also have the content (background info, entry forms, etc... the
things James mentioned) and the layout and STYLE of the site (and if
someone who's had actual experience in this arena would like to help,
let's talk!).

For the content, I like to start with lists of things we need, organize to
an outline, and work from there.

For instance, I'd expect to see some of these pages(this is from memory, I
don't have the proposal in front of me):

  * What is it? (quick facts)
  * Press release/info
  * Entry form
  * Points of contact
  * Photography Tips
  * Aquascaping Tips
  * Scanning Tips
  * Sample entry -- with ratings?
  * Judging criteria

(and on the judges private section of the site/CDROM)

  * Judging criteria
  * contact the other judges
  * entries / place to score
  * review/change scores
  * summarize all entries

> Most of that material I can dig out myself - if you refer to the mock
> website I have up, there is a section on references - I had found a lot of
> material on aquascaping and such stuff. to use most of it, we would have to
> contact other sites and ask for permission to give a link to their material
> (or would it be better to mirror it on our site so that it could be included
> on the CD-ROM????)

We can do all three of these options: 1) link to the sites, 2) copy on our
website but not on the CD-ROM, and 3) copy on website and CD-ROM.  

I'm not sure how valuable having this stuff on the CD-ROM really is (being
after the whole event!); I think it would be polite to ask any of the
authors of the articles for permission to copy or link.  From a long-term
perspective, it's always better to copy the article should the original
website go kaput, but this must always be done with the
author's permission.

> If we put reference material on the CD-ROM, together with the pictures, it
> might make it a lot more valuable and "saleable". What do people think about
> this?

This gets sticky for me.  Would not the author then deserve part of this

How about this as a possibility: Someone writes up a good "summary"
article for each area (aquascaping, photography, scanning) that uses the
best information from all the sources we've gathered, and we just include
the links at the end as a series of references? Would seem to be the best
of both worlds, the only downside being that someone has to write!

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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