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RE: Web Site Design and APD Announcement


Below are my comments regarding the questions you posed:

1. MS Windows and MacOS should be enough. If the other five percent, or so,
operating systems can be accommodated without too much trouble, I would say
go for it. However, if it will involve a lot of time and effort, I say stick
with the big boys.

2. I would say go with 800 X600 .

3. 24-bit with a note.

4. Go with the standard practices.

5. The fonts on the mock website are the same for me as the MS website. I am
running Win98 and MSIE5.01.

6. I think the mock website is simple, but nice looking. I would say that we
use that as a prototype.

7. I would agree that it may be a decent time to go ahead with something a
little more substantive on the APD. Asking for more volunteers would also be
appropriate.  I might add that the websites that were recently posted on the
APD re: Dutch aquariums were very interesting. While I was looking at the
posted photographs, I kept asking myself, "Who are these people and why
aren't they involved in our project?"  It sure would be nice to have some of
them onboard.

Ken Guin
Arlington, VA

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