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No, I'm not humming a David Bowie tune..... just thinking about the
ramifications of possible changes that might be requested by the AGA MC...

...such as Diana's request that Marine tanks be included.... this would
affect the budget (more places to contact, requiring more money in postage),
would probably require another whole Division (i.e. that means three more
Classes, so more rossettes/ribbons and more prizes would be required too...
increasing the problems with obtaining, storing and shipping same...).

Given the "high-tech" stance of a lot of Marine hobbyists, I'd venture that
they might also be more prone to own high quality digital cameras... we
might be swamped with Marine entries, precluding the display of many
freshwater tanks.

Additionally, it may just be ME, but it seems that the Marine end of the
hobby is (or should be) already well served with "actively involved
individuals" and if they want to do something like this they could. I did
this for FRESHWATER tanks... just a thought... am I being selfish???

(...but it would be neat to see a "seagrass aquascape"....)

James Purchase

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