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Potential Judges

While we wait for the AGA MC to review the Proposal, I don't think it's too
early to start compiling a list of "potential" judges. None of these people
will be contacted of course, until we have received the green light on the
event... but we should have a list of people ready and some idea of the
order in which they should be contacted.

In the Proposal, I summarized some of the qualities which potential Judges
should have:

· Knowledgeable in the art and practice of aquarium keeping and aquascaping.
· Known within the hobby.
· Able and willing to honestly evaluate and comment upon a variety of
different types of aquascapes.
· The judging panel should reflect the International scope of the event.

On the mock web-site, I had listed a few names which we had tossed around
several months ago. I'd like to expand upon that list now...

While we will only need 5 judges, we are going to need a lot more than that
as "potentials". In this list, I have tried to think of people from as many
countries as I can and also tried to include people who's interests stray
beyond aquatic gardening, as "aquascaping" doesn't necessarily just involve
planted tanks.

Neil Frank, Editor Emeritus TAG, AGA, U.S.A.
Karen Randall, AGA, U.S.A.
Tom Barr, AGA, U.S.A.
George Booth, U.S.A.
Don Dewey, Editor FAMA, U.S.A.
Paul Speice, FAMA columnist, U.S.A.
Ted Colletti, FAMA columnist, U.S.A.
Kathleen Wood, Editor AFM, U.S.A.
Claus Christensen, Tropica, Denmark
Holger Windelov, Tropica, Denmark
Steve Windsor, Editor Practical Fishkeeping, GB
Barry James, author of several aquarium plant books, GB
Derek Lambert, author and livebearer specialist, GB
Christel Kasselmann, author of Aquarienpflanzen, Germany
Kaspar Horst, co-founder of Dupla, Germany
Horst Kipper, co-founder of Dupla, Australia
Adrian Tappin, rainbowfish expert, Australia
Takashi Amano, ADA, Japan
Hideki Higuchi, ADA, Japan
Yoshino and/or Kobayashi, authors of The Natural Aquarium, Japan
Rainer Stawikowski, author of The Biotope Aquarium, ???

Before we start to disqualify people, I'd like to see the list expanded to
include MORE people. Anybody have any suggestions, keeping in mind the
qualities we'd like the judges to have?

James Purchase

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