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RE: Web-site look and feel

I'm getting increasingly frustrated in my search for aquascaping web-links -
several excellent ones from my favourites list are no longer online. Most
noticeably absent is a wonderful series of aquascaping articles written by
Christel Kasselman that had formerly been on the Dupla web-site. Now they
are gone, replaced by a series on marine aquariums.

This was my main concern with the "mirror vs link" issue - we could at least
control how long something hung around. I may just give up on the idea of
including much in the way of links outside of the standard "KRIB, AGA,
DUPLA, TROPICA" unless someone can find something worthwhile.

On the "look and feel" front, Erik, please take a look at 2 sites which I
have come across - the first, "cyber-aquaria
(http://members.tripod.com/~Toshir0/cyber-aquaria.htm), is a personal
web-site that has some nice photography and features the "black background +
grey/white text". I hate tripod.com hosted sites because of the pop up
advertising windows but the guy does have an eye for design.

The second site, e-aquaria.com (http://e-aquaria.com/) also features "grey
on black" but is much more sopisticated visually, as well as more ambitious.
The photograhs aren't as nice as the ones on the other site but the visual
design of the site hangs together well.

I'm not suggesting that either be used as a basis for our event's web-site
but they are certainly worth a gander.

James Purchase
(where I'm freezing my butt off in sub-zero weather direct from the North

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