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Getting closer, I hope....

O.K., I spent some time last night re-working content. I has been loaded to
the following URL:


I have refined the Resources (Links) material, adding bookmarks on the
various pages to take people directly to specific sections via the
hyperlinks on the main index page. I have also added a disclaimer on EACH
page, at the top, and removed my "editorial comments" from the Commercial
Links page. Erik, you may or may not replace the disclaimer with something
approved by the AGA.

In the Guidelines sections, I have made the changes Karen suggested. I have
also added several sections not in the Proposal, but based upon the material
in it. Specifically, there are now "Showcase Guidelines" (for those who
don't wish to enter the Contest) and Submission Guidelines (a re-named
version of "How Do I Enter?"). I based it on Ken's suggestion but simplified
it further and added hyperlinks to the other Guideline sections.

I want everyone to read the section on how entries may be submitted and tell
me if it is O.K. It allows for the entrant to choose how they submit their
entries and would allow for splitting the submission into mail and e-mail.
As for what Erik will accept, I'm not about to suggest that people send in
negatives - we aren't returning anything. But I no longer say anything about
them submitting "enlargements".

The Contact people have hyperlinks to e-mail addresses - I assume that this
will be a "bounce" from the main site rather than my personal e-mail

Erik - none of this is ready for the final web-site yet.

James Purchase

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