Ken - I just noticed something, and wonder if this is what you are referring to.... Going from a page (like the "Welcome" page) which has no submenu displayed, there is one horizontal menubar shown on the screen. The font used for display of these hyperlinks is a sans serif font in the same size as the serif font used for the body text on the page. The text for the hyperlink indicating exactly WHICH page is being displayed is changed to a bold italic sans serif font, again in the same point size. I've said that I think this is attractive. If there are pages beneath the one being displayed, as there are in the "Guidelines" section and the "Resources" section, a second menubar is shown on the screen. Now, the fonts used for the display of THIS submenubar are physically smaller (by approximately 2 points, from the looks of them) than the other fonts displayed on the screen. I run my 17" display at 1024X768 and these smaller fonts are still very readable (and I'm in desparate need of bi-focals) on my system. Are these the fonts which are showing up too small to read on your screen? James ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, e-mail with "unsubscribe aga-contest" in the body of the message. To subscribe to the digest version, add "subscribe aga-contest-digest" in the same message. Old messages are available at