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Re: Links

(I need to read everything before I reply)

If you tell me a rule of how to fix them, I'll get them all with a
search/replace.  I definitely don't want to re-convert files at this
point.  Alternatively, if you'd like, I can send you the current source
and you could edit it directly with a text editor like I mentioned oh
those many moons ago...

(Still getting caught up)
  - Erik

On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> I have looked at the HTML for the Resources section of the site (I have the
> same set of links on the local aquatic plant group web site) and it appears
> that the ones which are broken are About.com links which reference material
> that they do not have on their own servers.
> Erik, do you want to try and fix this, or do you want me to re-edit the
> resources section and send the  new HTML pages to you?
> James
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Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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