James: As you know, Dave Vanderwall was the person who was coordinating this process the last time. From the very beginning, we all realized that doing an accurate job on these lists would be a little too much for just one person. So, after asking for volunteers, we worked up the following geographical assignments: Jennifer Glover (jglover@autometric.com) MD, DC, DE, PA,CA,AR,NM,OK,TX,NV,UT,CO Ken Guin (kenguin@homemail.com) VA, NJ, WV, CT, NY, RI, MA, NH, VT Dave VanderWall (dvanderwall@uswest.net or dave.vanderwall@hboc.com) IA, IL, IN, KS, MN, MO, WI, ND, SD, MI, NE Jim Capelle (JCapelle@email.msn.com) FL, GA, SC, NC, AL, TN, KY, OH, MS, LA AR Justin Collins (n9720235@cc.wwu.edu) WA, OR, ID, MN, WY, HW, AK According to Dave's website at http://www.users.uswest.net/~dvanderwall/AGAContestContacts/ there was extensive work done on the lists by some of the volunteers. However, there was quite a bit of overlap (and voids) that I don't think were ever straighten out. That, coupled with the time since the last updates, I am sure the lists are probably somewhat outdated by now and need to be updated once again. I think Dave did a great job pulling this together the last time and I would love to see him coordinate it again. Dave, are you still out there? In the meantime, I will begin verifying the addresses on my list again. Once that is done, I will contact each of them via email. If that is not appropriate, please let me know and I can hold off until something else is developed. Last week, since I am a member of the PVAS, I contacted them about publicizing our event. I got an immediate confirmation that the information would be communicated to each of the members. I am hoping that the other clubs/societies will be as easy to contact and as cooperative as they were. Ken Guin Arlington, VA ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, e-mail majordomo@thekrib.com with "unsubscribe aga-contest" in the body of the message. To subscribe to the digest version, add "subscribe aga-contest-digest" in the same message. Old messages are available at http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-contest