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Dave Engle wrote:
"I did notice that there are only 7 people still on this list, so I guess
I'll at least start to cover those states."

There are 7 people who receive these messages in individual message format.
There are an additional 18 who receive the digest version. Erik gets both,
so there are 24 people here altogether. The _vast_ majority of people appear
to be just lurking, which is cool (I say that now, but it does bug me

I have tried repeatedly to get more people involved with our ongoing
discussions and to try to get them to come forward to get actively involved
but everyone has to set their own priorities and I can understand that not
everyone has the luxury of the free time which I seem to enjoy. Early
retirement does have its upside <g>.

I appreciate the help that some of you are offering and hope that your
example can spur some of the others into action. This event has gotten to
where it is only through the hard work of a number of people. How _well_ we
are able to see it though to its completion is going to depend upon _more_
people getting involved.

Time and time again I hear people whining about the AGA not doing anything
for its members. This event is a way for individual hobbyists, whether or
not they are members of the AGA, to help both themselves and the hobby in
general, without too much effort on their part. After all, WE ARE THE HOBBY.

If you can recall, the initial posting I made to the APD which started this
whole thing revolved around the differences in approach which hobbyists in
various parts of the world had towards the aquascaping of their aquariums.
By providing a forum where a world wide cross section of aquascapes can be
displayed and studied, I hope that this event can shed some light on those
differences and we can enjoy the diversity of our hobby.

For the benefit of those people who have come forward to volunteer, who may
need some help in completing the tasks they have undertaken, here is a
complete listing of WHO is on this list right now. If you see someone YOU
want help from, send them a message and ask them to get involved....

>>>> who aga-contest
Members of list 'aga-contest':

Erik Olson (Seattle)                            erik@thekrib.com
Justin Collins (Mortimer Snerd) (Bellingham WA) n9720235@cc.wwu.edu
Julius Odian (Santa Barbara)                    uodiaj00@umail.ucsb.edu
Ken Guin                                        kenguin@bellatlantic.net
Mike G.                                         msg@laol.net
David A. Youngker                               nestor10@mindspring.com
Dave Engle (San Diego)                          DaTrueDave@earthlink.net

7 subscribers

>>>> who aga-contest-digest
Members of list 'aga-contest-digest':

James Purchase (Toronto)                        jpurch@interlog.com
Erik Olson (Seattle)                            erik@thekrib.com
Toan Tran (San Diego)                           zzttzz@hotmail.com
Linda Berg                                      lbergh@richmond.infi.net
Dave VanderWall                                 dvanderwall@uswest.net
Jose Correa Lohmann (Peru)                      jcl@pol.com.pe
Jason Lubeke                                    jason.luebke@attws.com
Jennifer Glover                                 jglover@autometric.com
Sally Johnson (New Mexico)                      sbuna@unm.edu
Ron Dubbs (Brighton TN)                         rondu@mindspring.com
Dave VanderWall                                 Dave.VanderWall@hboc.com
Tom Brennan (Washington DC)                     brennans@ix.netcom.com
Karen Randall (Boston)                          krandall@world.std.com
Martyn Mitchell (Toronto)                       sales@rootslipper.com
Jim Capelle (Tampa Bay, FL)                     JCapelle@email.msn.com
wcurtin@mediaone.net (FL?)
Mike Eckhart (Kitchener)                        mike@odg.com
Don (San Francisco)                             D0NxD0N@aol.com

18 subscribers


James Purchase

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  with "unsubscribe aga-contest" in the body of the message.
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  Old messages are available at http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-contest