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David & Erik,

David VanderWall had volunteered to help prepare a pdf format brochure of
the guideline material. The one I had prepared (and sent to Erik) was just
over 1 MB in size (prepared from a MS Word document that weighed in at over
16 MB). The reasons for the vast difference in file size are beyond me.

But I had also done a poster in pdf format which I had sent to Erik, using
the same George Booth photo as the one the brochure sports on the cover. I
had asked one of the members of my local plant group who has a good color
printer to try printing it out and I saw the results yesterday afternoon -
the poster printed out beautifully (on glossy photo paper). I'm going to
have some photocopied (at my own expense) and take them to the local
aquarium shops. I have also been asked to speak to a local aquarium club
about the event, so I hope that they will reproduce the poster in their club

But I'm still concerned over the sheer number of points contained in the
various guideline documents - I just hope that we haven't gone overboard
with the level of detail we have addressed. When I spoke to the members of
my local plant group yesterday afternoon, some seem kind of intimidated.....
I don't know if it was the number of points we have covered in the
guidelines or the status of the judges, but both were greeted by several
people with a "WOW" comment and look...

Jim Capelle has said that he has experience with fish shows and I know that
Karen has as well. I'd appreciate it if both could chime in here with
suggestions and/or advice - should the guidelines be pared down in number?
Is the level of detail too much?

I have taken the guideline points from the various guideline documents which
are currently on the web site and consolidated them into one "master" page.
It can be viewed at: http://www.interlog.com/~jpurch/webs/GL/Default.htm.

Erik, you had said that you'd like to see a much briefer brochure, and to
tell the truth I tend to agree with you.... if presented with a 24 page
"booklet" for a contest I'd tend to be intimidated myself. But with my
innexperience with shows, I don't know what would be appropriate to
include/exclude from a brief list of points. Hopefully, this "master list"
can be a place to start paring things down.

I still don't mind the main web site having ALL of the points that it
currently has - it can act as the final arbiter of the rules, but we need a
briefer version for general use.

James Purchase

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