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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #279

At 04:12 AM 4/4/2000 -0700, James wrote: 

> Jim Capelle has said that he has experience with fish shows and I know that
> Karen has as well. I'd appreciate it if both could chime in here with
> suggestions and/or advice - should the guidelines be pared down in number?
> Is the level of detail too much?

The way I would work it is this:

Prepare a simple ONE PAGE release for the aquarium clubs that states the name
of the event, the pertinent dates, the confirmed judges, the web site address
and a non-Internet contact person. ( address and phone number)  State in the
flyer that all all rules and entry forms are available either from the web site
or via the contact person.

The person who handles the newsletter for each of these organizations may or
may not have any interest in plants, and they may or may not be particulalry
motivated to pass information of this sort on to their members.  It is a
customary courtesy to publish one page flyers that are received in the club
bulletin.  But if you make it even an itsy bitsy bit hard to do that, or if it
looks like it will take up too much space, forget it, it won't happen.

If you get an eager beaver who wants to pick up the ball and run with it,
they'll get in touch with you.  Otherwise, just try to get at least the basics
into the hands of as many people as possible.

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