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I heard back from Mary McCaw - a double sided, stapled insert covering the
Guidelines for the event will be placed in an upcoming issue of TAG. I have
worked on the material this evening and it is substantially complete, the
only thing missing is confirmation of the acceptance by the last three

It will include a slightly modified Introduction (from the web site), Dates
to Keep in Mind (also from the web site), the General Entrance GL, Showcase
GL, Contest GL, Entry Fees, Judging Criteria & GL, Photo GL (all reformatted
from http://www.interlog.com/~jpurch/webs/GL/Default.htm). Rounding it all
out is the Entry Form / AS Info Form / Photo Release.

So, what TAG readers will get is substantially the same material from the
web site, minus the Sample Entry and the Resource material. It fits in a 67
Kb MS Word 6 document and will run 9 printed pages.

Mary would like the finished copy by the 14th of April or the 19th at the
very latest. Hopefully, the remaining 3 potential judges will have responded
in time (otherwise I'll just edit their specific names out of the document).

Now, if David can produce a shorter set of guidelines in time, I'll consider
using his for this, but I think it's important that, at least for AGA
members, that we give them EXACTLY the same material that is on the web
site. It will be cool to have a downloadable pdf which is abbreviated/edited
for clubs and the public as we can refer them to the web site for the
complete set.


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