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Judges..... so far....

I've heard via Neil Frank that Christel Kasselman has had to decline our
request that she act as a judge - apparently she will be moving into a new
home in the fall and will be too busy. Neil has also sent two e-mail
messages to Takashi Amano with no response so far.

*Karen Randall                AGA                       U.S.A.
*Neil Frank                   AGA                       U.S.A.
*Claus Christensen            Tropica                   Denmark(Contact via
-Christel Kasselmann          Editor of DATZ            Germany(Contact via
?Kaspar Horst                 Editor of Aquarium Heute  Germany(Contact via
?Takashi Amano                ADA                       Japan(Contact via

Since we had originally planned on 5 judges and I asked (or caused to be
asked) 6 people, I'm not too concerned just yet. But before I approach
anyone else, I'd like to wait until we at least hear from Kaspar Horst. By
then, hopefully, Amano will either have accepted or declined.

I would like to have at least one judge from Germany or a neighbouring
country and one from either Japan or from somewhere in the Asian Pacific
area. But I also realize that this may not be either possible or realistic,
especially due to language barriers. If anyone would care to propose
"potentials" from either area which I have not put on my earlier list
(http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-contest/msg01038.html), please speak up.
Alternatively, if you have other thoughts or suggestions, now is the time to
make them.

This _could_ be an opportunity to approach a non-plant person to round out
the panel. Cichlids are probably the most popular family of fish in the
freshwater hobby - names which come to mind are Wayne Leibel, Chair of the
American Cichlid Association or perhaps the author Ad Konings (from Holland,
now lives in Texas I believe), Wolfgang Staeck (Germany) or perhaps Vinny
Kutty (also from the USA). I'd appreciate any thoughts anyone might have.

Here is some info I've gleaned from the web on several possibilities (this
material is from The Cichlid Room Companion -

Wayne Leibel, was for seven years the editor of the "Buntbarshe bulletin"
(American Cichlid Association publication), he is a fellow of the ACA,
columnist of TFH with his popular "Wayne's New World" column. Wayne is one
of the world ultimate specialists in South American cichlids, a productive
author, a regular and powerful speaker at cichlid conventions, a great
acordion player, a Ph.D., and a nice guy!.

Ad Konings, from Rotterdam (Now living in El Paso, Texas), well know
worldwide cichlid specialist, speaker, photographer, observer, author,
editor, publisher and good friend, kindly concedes this interview for the
purpose of this home page. Ad devotes his life to his family, friends, and
of course cichlids, on which he is among the few more knowledgeable persons
in the world.

Wolfgang Staeck, from Berlin, Germany, has been involved with freshwater
fish for most of his life, with the most part of this time dedicated to
cichlids. A biology professor, Dr. Staeck is well known for his several
scientific descriptions of cichlids as well as his several books,
illustrated with dazzling pictures authored by him, another thing that has
made Dr. Staeck famous. Wolfgang Staeck has visited cichlid habitats in
Africa, Central American and South America, which has brought him a deep
knowledge of the fish he talks about.

James Purchase

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