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Magazine contacts.....

On reading over the notice I suggest we send to clubs, it appears that the
exact same message should do nicely for contacting the magazines. It has
everything in it that we need to say, I should think. Karen, am I correct in
thinking this?

Dave Gomberg's notification has already been sent out, due to his deadline,
and TAG is going to get a whole package (although I'm going to send Mary
this stuff as well) that leaves us with the following magazines:

AFM - USA (Karen, do you want to handle this one, as you know the Editor?)
Practical Fishkeeping - UK
DATZ - Germany (Should I ask Michael Eckardt to translate the file into
German first?)
Aquarium Heute (ditto)
Aqua Planta (ditto)
Aqua Journal - Singapore (I wonder if it is worth it to send James Lin
anything, given the schedule this thing comes out on and the fact that I've
heard that we have seen the last of it anyway)
Suikei - ADA, Japan (They will be getting notification in English, i don't
know anyone who writes Japanese.)

Can anyone think of any others which we should notify? Jose, are there any
Spanish language magazines that you are aware of?

James Purchase

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