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Re: Judges..., so far....

I wrote:

>> Wayne Leibel, was for seven years the editor of the "Buntbarshe bulletin"
>> (American Cichlid Association publication), he is a fellow of the ACA,
>> columnist of TFH with his popular "Wayne's New World" column. Wayne is
>> of the world ultimate specialists in South American cichlids, a
>> author, a regular and powerful speaker at cichlid conventions, a great
>> acordion player, a Ph.D., and a nice guy!.

Erik responded:

> Wayne's a good friend of ours; I could ask him.  I don't know if he's got
> the time, but I sure would find out.

> If you're branching out that far, another possibility might be Lee Finley.

Well, I know that neither one made the "list" in the first round, but I
think that might be more due to our own "plant bias" than anything else (at
least my plant bias). If you look at the names I put forward, most gleaned
from earlier discussions the group had, most of the people on it had a
strong grounding in aquatic plants.

My desire to place most of the emphasis on the "International" nature of the
judges might end up being impossible to fulfill if the remainder of the big
"plant people" we have asked are unable to act as judges.

This is an aquascaping event and it is open to all types of freshwater
aquascapes. If Christell Kasselman is unavailable, I don't think it would be
lowering any standard of excellence by thinking of either Wayne Leibel or
Lee Finley as potential judges. I've been reading and enjoying Wayne
Leibel's articles in TFH for quite some time and with his knowledge of the
natural habitat of Cichlids, I think that he would make an excellent choice
as a judge. I am looking forward to hearing Wayne Leibel speak at the CAOAC
Convention in Hamilton next month.

If you think that it's a good idea, and you want to ask Dr. Leibel, be my
guest and go right ahead. A lot of "plant people" are also "Apisto people"
and he's one of the most prominent experts in that area.

James Purchase

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