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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #283

At 04:12 AM 4/8/2000 -0700, James wrote:

>I would like to have at least one judge from Germany or a neighbouring
>country and one from either Japan or from somewhere in the Asian Pacific
>area. But I also realize that this may not be either possible or realistic,
>especially due to language barriers. If anyone would care to propose
>"potentials" from either area which I have not put on my earlier list
>(http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-contest/msg01038.html), please speak up.
>Alternatively, if you have other thoughts or suggestions, now is the time to
>make them.

What about asking someone from that plant group in is it Singapore?  Or
what about the folks at Oriental Aquarium in Singapore?  I've had some
contact with one person there who is working on the newest edition of their

Also, My letter to Kaspar has gone off, but I ahven't heard back from him
yet.  Hopefully he'll write back soon.  He's usually pretty good about
responding, so it's possible that he's away.

Erik Olson wrote:

>Subject: Re: Judges..... so far....
>Wayne's a good friend of ours; I could ask him.  I don't know if he's got
>the time, but I sure would find out.
>If you're branching out that far, another possibility might be Lee Finley.

I agree that Wayne is a great guy.  I don't know how much if any experience
he's had judging (or even evaluating) aquascapes.  Do you Erik?  I do know
that Lee served as Home Show judge for Boston A.S. for over 10 years
running. (and has done less long-term stints for other clubs)  He has had a
LOT of experience evaluating tanks of all all types, from plant tanks, to
Rift Lake tanks to reef tanks, to "plastic horror shows".<g>

James wrote:

>AFM - USA (Karen, do you want to handle this one, as you know the Editor?)

They may or may not use the release as is... I suspect not, as a full page
is a lot of space for an unpaid ad.  Still, they WILL give it PR.  I'll
send it on to Kathleen when you're ready, and see what she'll do.  I'm
_sure_ that Chuck Davis will mention it in his society column, and I've
already mentioned it in my column, and included a pointer to the web site.
(the issue coming out next, which if I've got my dates right is the June
issue, but actually comes out in early May)
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