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Re: Magazine contact

>>AFM - USA (Karen, do you want to handle this one, as you know the Editor?)

>They may or may not use the release as is... I suspect not, as a full page
>is a lot of space for an unpaid ad.  Still, they WILL give it PR.  I'll
>send it on to Kathleen when you're ready, and see what she'll do.  I'm
>_sure_ that Chuck Davis will mention it in his society column, and I've
>already mentioned it in my column, and included a pointer to the web site.
>(the issue coming out next, which if I've got my dates right is the June
>issue, but actually comes out in early May)

O.K., I'll send the .txt file copy that I prepared to you in a private
e-mail. I'm more than happy with it as it stands right now and I assume that
they would prefer a plain text file over anything which contained formatting
they might have to edit out.

I wouldn't expect them to give us enough space to allow the printing of the
entire notice - at most I was hoping that Kathleen Wood might put part of it
in the "mailbox" section and make reference to it her "editor's corner"

I appreciate you making mention of it in your regular column.

Are you saying that I need not worry about sending anything separately to
Chuck Davis for this to also get a mention in his "society news" column?

James Purchase

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