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RE: Clubs/Socieities

It's really nice to see that other sites are using the material Ken sent
them. I guess it sort of makes you feel like hitting the "send" button on
your e-mail program 120 times was worthwhile, 'eh Ken? <g>

As for the source of info for the site Erik mentioned, I have asked Robert
H. on several occassions to stop referring to this as a Photo Contest. It
never seems to sink in, but at least he's interested enough to chat us up.
Someone once told me that it doesn't matter what people say about you,
what's important is that they are talking about you at all.... the
differences between this event and a "Photo Contest" are subtle and some
people may not think the distinction important. The trick is to get people
to visit the site, read over some of the guidelines and realize that this is
for everyone.

Hopefully, that's beginning to happen.

James Purchase

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