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RE: Clubs/Socieities

James wrote: "It's really nice to see that other sites are using the
material Ken sent them. I guess it sort of makes you feel like
hitting the "send" button on your e-mail program 120 times
was worthwhile, 'eh Ken? <g>"

Ken writes: Actually, I wish it were that easy. Maybe I did it the hard way
(I do that sometimes), but it took me about four hours to send the 120
emails with the two attachments. One of the reasons it took so long was that
I tried to personalize each email by putting the name of the club/society in
the salutation. It was also time consuming keeping track of who was sent
what and which ones were returned.

Sometime this week, I will review the 30 or so emails that were returned and
try to find alternative addresses for those clubs/societies. That will take
a lot more time too, but I think it will be worth it.

In the meantime, has anyone else been sending the 'blurb' to the rest of the
clubs/societies in other parts of the world? I covered the following states
in the USA: Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware, Pennsylvania,
California, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Colorado,
Virginia, New Jersey, West Virginia, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

That leaves about 30 more states in the USA to cover and goodness knows how
many other locations around the world.

Any volunteers? If so, please contact David V at: dvanderwall@uswest.net or
me at kenguin@bellatlantic.net

Ken Guin
Arlington, VA

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