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Contacting the trade magazines

I've just sent off a flurry of e-mail messages to various magazines. If
anyone is aware of any that I have missed, please get an e-mail address and
let me know.

AFM - Karen is taking care of this one, I sent notices to the following
Chuck Davis (Society News column in AFM)

Aquarium Frontiers - ??? (this site hasn't been updated for a while - are
they still doing this on-line magazine?)

AquaWorld Magazine (http://www.aquaworldnet.com/awmag.shtml)

Planted Aquarium Magazine - sent a while ago

TAG - sent yesterday

FAMA (http://www.mag-web.com/fama/)
Spencer Glass (Sglass1258.aol.com)
Jeffrey C. Howe (jchowe132@aol.com)
Dr. Robert J. Goldstein (rjga.aol.com)
Dr. Steven J. Schiff (tenrec@aol.com)

TFH - Mary Sweeney, Editor (tfhfish@tfh.com)

Aquarist & Pondkeeper - Dick Mills, Editor

Practical Fishkeeping - Steve Windsor, Editor

To each of the above I sent a short e-mail asking for editorial
comment/support of the event and attached both the short and long (1 page)
versions of the "blurb".

I've already heard back (within 5 minutes of sending it) from Dr. Robert J.
Goldstein - he's going to pass it along to both FAMA and AFM.

James Purchase

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