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One more thing regarding Prizes

O.K., two more things regarding Prizes....

I see no need to worry right now about Ribbons...... that can be taken care
of later.

It was suggested way back that we give companies the choice of which
category they might care to donate a prize to. Given my inexperience in
dealing with contests of this type, I'm kind of leery of this. We have 12
classes, each with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. There is also Best of show and
People's Choice. That means that we need 38 prizes in total.

I'm worried that if we gave companies the choice of which class they
supported we could end up with an aquatic nursery in the U.S. donating a
Gift Certificate for plants in the Aquatic Gardens category and a winner in
Israel (or where-ever) who would be unable to claim his or her prize. We
could also end up with multiple companies wishing to sponsor certain
categories and nobody for others.


James Purchase

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