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Closing up the archive

Hi guys,

After having received a semi-anonymous e-mail off list pertaining to an
archived message, I have password-protected the access to the archives.
(Yes, I made this decision without discussing it here.  Felt it was more
important to button things up first.  If anyone feels it should be
re-opened, let's talk about it.)

Why?  From the start, I've always been just a little bit leary of
maintaining an open archive like this for any working group.  Kind of
encourages "lookie-loo" phenomenon, but doesn't actually provide anything
useful for people who aren't participating to begin with.  On this list in
particular, it also publicly airs the history of our dirty laundry.

In the past, every mailing list archive has been kept free from the
general public by the method of not publishing the URL for the archive
except on the list itself.  That way, the occasional non-lister (but
participator) could still have access if they were told where it was. With
this list, however, the URL has been posted several times on the APD and
is linked from other public sites.  Months back I already
password-protected all the other management-related list archives I
maintain.  This now just puts aga-contest in line with the rest of them.

So what's the password?  Look at the bottom of any message sent on this
list, starting with this one.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

  To unsubscribe from this list, e-mail majordomo@thekrib.com
  with "unsubscribe aga-contest" in the body of the message.
  To subscribe to the digest version, add "subscribe aga-contest-digest"
  in the same message.
  Old messages are available at http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-contest
  When asked, log in as username is "aga-contest", and password "lookie-loo".