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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #300

At 04:12 AM 5/13/2000 -0700, Erik wrote:
>After having received a semi-anonymous e-mail off list pertaining to an
>archived message, I have password-protected the access to the archives.
>(Yes, I made this decision without discussing it here.  Felt it was more
>important to button things up first.  If anyone feels it should be
>re-opened, let's talk about it.)

As a member of the AGA Steering Committee, I support Erik's decision
completely.  There is no reason at all for the non-involved public to be
privy to some of the squabbling that has gone on here.  Taken as a whole,
the people involved in this list have done a remarkable job putting this
project together.  Taken out of context, there are a NUMBER of
conversations that could make both the primary participants and the on
looker feel uncomfortable.

Thank you, Erik.

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