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RE: Volunteer for Prize storage & mailing (and club contacts, too)

David V. wrote:
On another topic, anyone heard back from any of the club contacts?  I just
heard back from the Minnesota Aquarium Society (in my home town, of course).
The person I emailed is no longer an officer of the club, but he gave me the
president's email address.  He also said he will forward my message to the
140 MAS members that have email!  <snip>

Ken G. writes:

On 4/13/00, I sent our "blurb" to the following contacts at Minnesota
Aquarium Society  (PO Box 130483, Roseville, MN, 55113, 612-429-9642:

If you have contacts other than those listed above, please send them to me.


Ken Guin
Arlington, VA

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