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Re: Commercial Links in the Resource area of the web-site

Just a few quick thoughts concerning the commercial/resource linking debate:

I would think that a Resources page should be just that - resources only. It
should be separate from *any* commercial aspect because of the nature of the
event, concerns of "favoritism", etc. If it is to be a true "resource", then
any and all who are listed should have an easily evidenced and obvious
connection to information, techniques and/or concepts within the structure
of the site. Put another way - if I mention "biotope" type aquascaping, and
there's a site that can provide information that's either lacking or limited
in scope on mine, then I'll point the reader in the right direction. But, as
James has mentioned, just because they sell, for instance, realistic shaped
and formed backgrounds won't get them on the list. I'm in the business of
information, not advertising and marketing - a link to the company's catalog
or simply to their home page leaves too much to be freely interpreted by the
reader. A link directly to their page on "how to build your own background"
is quite a different approach that leaves little freedom for

If, however, the company is among the extreme few providers of a highly
desired but even more difficult-to-locate or -obtain item, the link is
provided and suggested *as such*. But again, the link that *is* provided
leads to the specific reason for choosing that site - the item *in* the
catalog, not just simply the catalog or home page.

Granted, I don't believe that Erik would enjoy such an addition to his
workload if he were to implement the mechanics of the approach, but the
criteria itself should, I would hope, shape the resource page itself.

A seperate commercial page in an event like this is a plausible approach,
but its criteria should be just as firm. And I don't believe it should be an
all-inclusive "link farm" in particular. Nor are we in the ad and marketing
biz, either. We are trying to promote and enlarge a specific event, and we
can cut out *all* possibilities for cries of favoritism or other nasties by
simply choosing *those companies directly supporting the event itself*. When
you see an event on TV, say a sporting event, do you watch commercials from
each and every supplier of baseballs in the world, or just those that are
sponsoring the game? During a fund-raising drive supporting any
organization, do the sponsors get to emphasize their products over the
event, or are they simply listed as sponsors?

I would rather see a "Sponsors' Page" than a "Commercial Page" myself. If a
company makes *any* contribution of note, it should be included along with
accompanying credit for that specific contribution. A "Prize Page" could
then simply link particular prizes back to the entry in the Sponsor Page,
which in turn links back to the company's own Home Page. I would say that
this would also be about the right place to link back to the company's
specific page on the prize itself, if available and desireable. You keep
away from being able to click *off* of your site without specifically
intending them to go there, and we certainly would like them to stick around
long enough to find out what the Contest and Showcase is all about.

Anyway, that's a quick outline, as I'm on my way to work. I'd thought to
throw this out to see what it generates by the time I return...

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