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RE: links - commercial and otherwise

I wrote:

> Subject: Links in general

> Most got turned down, and
> most will _continue_ to get turned down.

Erik's response:

> FWIW, I agree 100% with James' message.

My back at 'ya:

I don't think any of us wanted a "link farm" sort of site. They have their
place, but this is not it.

On a related subject I posted:

> Subject: Re: Commercial Links in the Resource area of the web-site
> On Wed, 17 May 2000, James Purchase wrote:
> > Do you think we should remove ALL the commercial listings from
> the Resource
> > section? And the only way that a company can get either a
> mention or a link
> > is by donating a prize? (Actually, probably not such a bad idea........)

To which Erik replied:

> Interesting.  I'm on the fence there.  The genie is out of the bottle.

Remember though, that this is OUR bottle. We are free to do with it what we
wish, provided that we follow a course that is appropriate and in accordance
with the goals and policies of the AGA.

> On the other hand, not playing favorites by not including *anyone* is
> definitely an easy approach we could take at this point.  It sounds from
> the rest of your message that businesses are already mewing about it, so
> maybe it would be good to do this.

Yes, they are. And to be honest, the "easy" approach is looking _awfully_
good to me at this point in time. I want it re-state that there was a
Commercial Links section in the first place merely as a way to introduce
some of the scope of what is available on-line for those who might otherwise
not be familiar with on-line shopping. The companies I listed were generally
ones I personally had good experiences with.

But with a Prize page which contains links to various companies, the need
for a separate Commercial Links section quickly evaporates. Especially
should any of the fine companies already listed in our Commercial Links
section decline to sponsor a Prize - like we are going to hype someone who
doesn't support us....... (I know that sounds crass, but let's be serious,
giving someone a link on a busy site puts money in their pocket...)

> The value of a commercial page -> prize page link would have been more a
> courtesy to the businesses. "Well, we didn't really think some businesses
> were appropriate/relevant for this page, but we think they're great for
> donating a prize so you can find them here."

I love the first part of that statement (courtesy to the business) but I
don't want to give companies (or anybody else) that we are so money hungry
that we'd sell our souls for the cost of a prize donation.

I made it quite clear in the solicitation letters that we are looking for
donations of things which are appropriate and interesting to aquarists in
general and aquascapers in particular. The exact wording varied from company
to company, depending upon the nature of the business and the products they
produce. And so far at least, I have had an opportunity to re-state that in
follow up letters with companies who have responded.

I think that everyone is astute enough to realize that this is a "you
scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" sort of thing..... they give us a
prize, we publicly acknowledge their support and give them a link.

> > One thing we will have to allow though, is the inclusion of
> graphics on the
> > Prize page (i.e. custom banner graphics supplied by the donating
> > companies..... Edward from M3 has specifically asked for this....)
> Ya sure.  You betcha.  Might want to request some kind of size limit (like
> standard banner ad in area, though different shapes are OK).  What would
> be really cool (IMHO) is if we could have the company name and logo on the
> left column of a table, and a picture of the prize in the right column.

That sounds like a WONDERFUL idea, that way we are really highlighting THE
PRIZE and not the company, which moves us even further from the commercial
endorsement end of things.

I was hoping that YOU could suggest a size limit on banner/logo graphics.
I'm afraid to leave it up to the individual companies. I have had an ongoing
e-mail conversation with Edward (m3) about how I think he should simplify
his web-site as it has too many elements which have nothing to do with his
product mix. However, HE thinks that they are neet, so go figure.... I'm
afraid that if we leave thins in the hands of the companies, they will give
us huge graphic files which take forever to download into a browser.

I really like how our site, sans graphics, loads so quickly yet still looks
great. It's useability is very high, even on a slow connection like the one
I have.

I think that _most_ companies should be able to provide a graphic of
whatever it is that they are donating.... hopefully for those that can't,
David might be able to take a quick snap and then scan it for us.

> One other thing, the AGA board was discussing PR on our "other" event (the
> November show), made me remember... when we make significant progress, it
> might be prudent to make another posting on the APD to get butts in gear
> and enter.  I suggest our next milestone be when a few donations arrive
> and we have the website modified to reflect this.

Ya, this is cool.... I just remembered that someone had mentioned how
annoying it was when another group which was holding some sort of event kept
badgering all and sundry with repeated "announcements".

I had intended to post "reminders" every couple of months...... right now,
I'm just waiting for the remainder of our Judging Panel to be on board
before I issue a reminder to the APD and USENET. If we have something to
show on the Prize page which will hopefully wet appetites, so much the
better.... and remember that the magazine issues which contain our
announcement should be hitting the newstands before too long.

> > If we are going to delete the commercial section of the
> Resources area, it
> > would be best if it is done IMMEDIATELY.

> OK.  I'm fine on this approach.  I wonder if we can replace the commercial
> section with a simple link to a link farm site, such as Petsforum or Fish
> Link Central?  I don't poke around enough in this area, so I've no idea
> what is the current "best" site for this.

Mmmm...... I wonder if this will even be necessary. I mean, we do have good
links to several places which not only have original material but also have
extensive sets of links. So, anyone looking for a "link farm" is sure to run
across something. Remember that surfing the web is rarely a linear trip.

My choice would be to merely delete the entire Commercial Links section
without comment.

James Purchase

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