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"Official Letterhead"

In response to my initial solicitation request, i have received the
following from Rolf C. Hagen (manufacturers of Aqua Clear power filters and
Fluval canister filters):

Dear Mr. Purchase;
Thank you for your interest in our company.

Please direct your request on official organization letterhead to our
corporate head office (3225 Sartelon str., Montreal, Qc., H4R 1E8, FAX: 514
426 9990) to Terry Roy.


Peter McLeod
Rolf C. Hagen Inc.

Now, we, as a group, don't _have_ "official organization letterhead".....
does the AGA have such "fancy paper"? I guess that he wants some
reinforcement that this truly is a valid event sponsored by a real
organization (I mean, _anyone_ can send out an e-mail asking for donations,
and the companies have to protect themselves from scam artists).

If the AGA does have "letterhead" paper, would it be possible for someone to
put the text of the "solicitation letter" on a sheet and then fax it to
Hagen? I can supply the text....

James Purchase

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