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more solicitation....

I'm beginning to feel something like a cheap street walker....... <g> I
don't walk well in heels...

I've sent solicitation letters to:

T.F.H. Publications,
Diana Walstad (Ecology of the Planted Aquarium) and
Dave Gomberg @ Planted Aquaria Magazine.....

I'd send one to DATZ too, if I could only read enough German to be able to
figure out what their e-mail address is.....

Does anyone have email and www addresses for the following companies:

Energy Savers Unlimited/Coralife
Tropic Marin
Aquatic Warehouse

Note that a www address without an e-mail address is pretty useless....

If anyone has any other suggestions for companies to ask (in addition to the
big list I posted earlier), please give me a hint.


James Purchase

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