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Prize List to Date

Just to keep things in one place......here are the Prizes which have been
confirmed to date (or at least, to this afternoon...). The numbers refer
only to the order in which I was notified of the donations:

#1 Practical Fishkeeping (U.K.)
   - 1 year Gift Subscription

#2 & #3 Cichlid Press
   - 2 books by Ad Konings
     - Tanganyika Cichlids In Their Natural Habitat
     - Enjoying Cichlids

#4 Monolith Marine Monsters (m3)
   - $40.00 U.S. Gift Certificate

#5 Mail Order Pet Supplies
   - $100.00 Cdn. Gift Certificate

#6 Diana Walstad
   - autographed copy of The Ecology of the Planted Aquarium

6 down, 32 to go...

David - the books are either on their way to you now, or will be shortly. I
asked Ad Konings about the possibility of him autographing the 2 books he
has donated. He is more than willing but had already shipped the books. He
advised me that if we wish to send them back he will sign then and re-ship.
I'm of 2 minds, and leave this to the group. It is always nice to have a
book autographed by the author, but is it worth the effort (and out cost) in
this case?

I have asked that the Gift Certificates be sent to me, and we will have to
come up with something ourselves for Practical Fishkeeping (they just want
us to supply the name and mailing address of the winner and they will start
the subscription). We can decide on their ultimate place of storage at a
later date.

I have also asked all of the donors to forward any graphics they might wish
displayed with their links on a Prize Sponsors page.

James Purchase

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