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Re: ...and the donations keep coming....

On Sun, 21 May 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> Erik wrote:
> "Just got another entry!  While keeping that "entrant confidentiality"
> thing, I can say that they were much more earnest than entrant #1 (who
> e-mailed one image, no plan, and hasn't yet sent a check)."
> Should we contact entrant #1 and enquire about the rest of his photos (and
> the $$$), or just let it ride? (aware of the fact that without more photos
> and the entry fee, entrant #1 will become entrant#0)

I figure I'll start contacting the people who we haven't heard from and
"reminding" them at some point.

> I don't think it's breaching entrant#2's confidentially - where is the
> person from (country only)?

Not sure.  Probably US.

> Cool..... how are you able to determine the bit about the hits on banners
> embedded on other sites?

I can tell because the logs show the document that was requested was one
of the banner files, and that the "referring agent" was someone else's
page, for instance www.aquahobby.com or www.aquatic-gardeners.org -- this
usually means that they inline'd one of our banners directly on their page
rather than making their own copy.  So while the site itself has gotten
12,000 hits in May, only 2,600 of these are actually pulling actual pages.

In a couple weeks, I may re-run an analysis filtering out the jpg files
from the logs, just to find out how many referrals we REALLY got from
other sites.  That is, if I have nothing better to do. :)

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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