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...and the donations keep coming....

I have just heard from Kim Bryant of AH Supply - he is sending me a
$100.00US Gift Certificate.

I notice how it it is the "little guys", the small, independent operators,
who are the most receptive, responsive, and generous. No wonder they call
small business the backbone of the American economy.

Erik wrote:
"Just got another entry!  While keeping that "entrant confidentiality"
thing, I can say that they were much more earnest than entrant #1 (who
e-mailed one image, no plan, and hasn't yet sent a check)."

Should we contact entrant #1 and enquire about the rest of his photos (and
the $$$), or just let it ride? (aware of the fact that without more photos
and the entry fee, entrant #1 will become entrant#0)

I don't think it's breaching entrant#2's confidentially - where is the
person from (country only)?

"Meanwhile, traffic on the site is good.  So far in the month of May we've
had 2600 hits on the actual page (not counting the flood of hits on the
banners that are embedded on other sites)."

Cool..... how are you able to determine the bit about the hits on banners
embedded on other sites?

James Purchase

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