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Re: Values

Dave Engle asked:
"Can some of the prizes be mentioned on USENET and the digest now?  I think
that will get quite a few people interested in the contest.  Weren't there
some "heavy-hitters" from APD that expressed disinterest in the contest
early on?  Perhaps some of these prizes might change their mind?"

I fully intend to mention the aggregate value publicly, but would prefer to
wait until Erik has a chance to put up at least some of the graphics and
logos on the web site. That way, we can also give the site url and lure more
people in to view and potentially to enter. I'm _not_ interested in putting
on any stress on the value any _individual_ prize donations - I'd prefer to
leave that to the viewers (although the value of individual Gift
Certificates will be shown on the web site, I presume).

Several of the smaller companies I have approached asked me to suggest the
value of their donation and I was careful NOT to do that - I merely
suggested that they donate what they thought they could afford to. I don't
want either the donors or the viewers thinking any less of a company because
the value of their donation is/was less than another on given by a bigger or
more successeful company. They are ALL appreciated - you know the line,
"it's the thought that counts".

James Purchase

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